Laser lipolysis is a non-invasive form of body sculpting. It removes small fat deposits. Like surgical liposuction, this procedure permanently removes fat cells from your body.
It is much less painful, though, and laser lipolysis recovery is also shorter and less complicated. It also comes with a lower risk of loose skin afterward. Laser lipo is considered a safe procedure for many people.
If you’re looking for a way to get rid of excess fat, you may be a suitable candidate. Laser lipo is typically used for removing fat from the stomach, face, thighs, calves, hips, and back. However, people with certain conditions are usually not considered good candidates for laser lipo. These conditions include acute diseases, infectious diseases, heart disease, pregnancy, and malignancy.
Good candidates for laser lipo include people who:
* Are in good health condition
* Don't smoke or can quit smoking weeks before treatment
* Have realistic expectations about their results
In general, lipo laser may not be the best option for people who have:
* Excess weight - Higher BMI
* Very loose skin
* Medical condition, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or liver disease
Laser lipo is also not appropriate for people that are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
* Avoid eating two hours before and after treatment sessions
* Avoid heavy meals on treatment days
* Drink plenty of water days before session and day of to facilitate lymphatic drainage
* Limit carbonated drinks, coffee, and tea during treatment period
* Avoid fasting or the body will go into "starvation mode" and become more resistant to the release of stored fat
* Within the two hours following a treatment, the client should perform 30-45 minutes of cardio- vascular work-out in order to create the energy demand that will facilitate metabolism of the fatty acids and glycerol freed from the fat cells
* Consider contraindications or other medical issues that may impact the results of the "one off" treatment. Some medical disorders that may reduce first treatment response include thyroid, immune, lymphatic related conditions, pre-menopause, menopause, diabetes, and infection (including viral).
* Diarrhea: when fat is successfully broken down, it must exit the body as stool. You may or may not notice an increase in bowel movements. Typically, diarrhea is mild and lasts no longer than 36 hours.
* Increased urination: loss of water from your tissues is normal following procedures and is a good sign that you are removing fat from your body. Fat enters the blood from the lymphatic system, increasing the "thickness" of the blood (oncotic pressure), pulling water from tissues to carry the fat to the bowel for removal.
* Flu-like symptoms: this is rare but can occur due to toxins in the fat being removed via the lymphatic system, causing congestion. Congested lymph pathways can lead at aches, pains, water retention, soreness, and flu-like symptoms. To combat this, lymph node stimulators and a whole body vibration plate sessions are used during the treatment to increase lymphatic drainage.
* Increased hunger: this is the body's attempt at returning to normal by re-accumulating fat. Do not increase food consumption! Follow a low carb, high protein, high fiber diet to combat hunger pains.